Christian Education
Valentine gifts prepared by students and adult partners or Town Clock Community Development (permanent, supportive, affordable housing for women).
The Reformed Church of Freehold is committed to nurturing children’s faith through bible stories and life application. The story of our living faith is conveyed through innovative resources that engage students and equip teachers.
Students learn about service through seasonal mission projects. These projects engage families and students in helping others locally and globally. In the past, we purchased farm animals through Heifer International, provided Christmas gifts for local children, and brought in school supplies for distribution through Church World Service.
Our Sunday School meets during worship. On the first Sunday of the month, students go directly to their classrooms and join worship for The Lord's Supper. On the other Sundays, students are dismissed to their classroom following a youth message. We are offering a one-room classroom for grades K-5. Confirmation classes are offered as the youth are ready.

Working on an Advent wreath craft.
Learning and practicing faith is a lifelong task. Adult studies are offered periodically. New member, confirmation, and communion classes are taught as needed.