We demonstrate God's love and build community through our service.
We reach out to Freehold and neighboring communities through our work with the Open Door Food Pantry, Freehold Clergy Association’s Emergency Housing and Advocacy Program, Habitat for Humanity, Sanctuary, 180 TLA (Women’s Shelter), Dina’s Dwelling, and the Reformed Church Home.
Our missions reach a broader community in our support of Church World Service, Heifer International, Camp Warwick, New Brunswick Seminary, and the Crop Walk.
Members are encouraged to participate in mission programs through volunteering with programs such as Habitat, donating Christmas gifts for seniors at the Reformed Church Home, or Stuffing the Bus with school supplies for children.
On the first Sunday of the month, we collect items for Open Door Food Pantry. Please leave your donations at the front of the church or in the lobby. A special offering for Open Door is also received. Monetary gifts are accepted at any time and can be placed in the offering plate. Please mark “Open Door” on your check or envelope.
The mission of the month for June is Cypress Mission, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization overseen by Freddie Fiorentino, that helps expedite meeting humanitarian needs by rebuilding distressed or impoverished areas through relief work. Their goal is to facilitate and initiate rebuilding through small community leaders, who in turn reach out to others and serve as a base for the community. Their work is community based and they collaborate with other non-profits and organizations, such as retired military vets, food banks, churches, preschools, and community volunteers and residents on local, national or global projects. Donations can be made to our Mission project by using your "mission" envelope, your TITHE.LY online account, or delivering it to the church office.